998 Coast Batiquitos College Chestnut, 24 mi, 1735 fe el, 72 ft/mi

0.0 S Elmwood
0.3 R Laguna
0.4 L Pio Pico
1.0 R Chestnut
1.4 L Coastal Rail Trail
1.8 R Tamarack
2.1 L Coast Hwy 101
5.7 L Poinsettia
6.5 R Batiquitos
8.7 R Hummingbird
9.1 L Lupine
9.1 R Mimosa
9.2 L Geranium
9.3 R Columbine
9.4 L Arenal
9.6 L Estrella De Mar
10.3 R Alga
10.6 L Alicante
12.6 L Town Garden
13.0 L El Camino Real
13.2 R Camino Via Roble
14.0 L Palomar Oaks
14.7 L Palomar Airport
15.4 R College
17.3 L El Camino Real
18.2 R Cannon
19.0 L College
20.1 L Carlsbad Village
21.7 L Appian
21.8 L Trieste
22.1 R Chestnut
23.1 R Highland
23.8 return to start

Warmup flat then roll across Batiquitos and start climbing.
The climb up College is the challenge climb, followed by descent back to the start.