976 Vista Rally. 30 miles, 2980 ft el, 99 ft/mi

0.0 L Alicante
0.9 R Gateway
1.4 L El Fuerte
2.3 R Faraday
3.2 L Melrose
5.3 R Buena Vista
5.9 L Buena Vista
6.2 R Sunset
7.3 L Phillips
7.4 R Lado De Loma
8.1 R Guajome
8.2 L Santa Fe
8.4 R Eucalyptus
8.5 L Eucalyptus
9.6 L Beaumont
10.5 R Alta Vista
11.1 R Alta Vista
11.2 L Alta Vista
11.3 L Rudd
11.7 L Sunrise
12.0 R Valley
12.7 = York
13.8 R Montgomery
14.7 R Santa Fe
15.0 L Mar Vista
15.1 R Phillips
16.5 L Civic Center
16.8 R Crestview
17.0 L Vale View
18.1 L Hacienda
18.2 L Matagual (barricade)
18.8 = Breeze Hill
19.1 L La Tortuga
19.2 L Marsopa
19.5 R Melrose
19.9 R Sunset
20.3 L Emerald
20.7 R Lake
21.5 L Mira Monte
21.8 L Foothill (fence)
21.8 R Knollwood
22.1 L Tamarack
22.6 L College
23.9 R Cannon
25.6 L Faraday
28.3 R El Camino Real
29.3 L Town Garden
29.6 R Alicante
30.4 R Return to start

Vista takes navigational skills, but the quiet curvy hilly roads are worth the trouble.