886 Burts Mount Whitney and More. 62 miles, 5200 ft el, 84 ft/mi

This metric century with about 5,200 feet of climbing visits the highest point around @ 1,725 feet, (about 100 feet higher than Double Peak) and has some great views of course. There are some +20% paved uphill grades and one ugly short, dirt, rideable/walkable downhill.

0.0 R CA-76
0.6 L Camino Del Rey
0.9 R Old River
3.5 = E Vista
4.2 R Hutchison
5.8 L Barsby
6.2 L Barsby
6.8 R E Vista
6.8 L Warmlands
7.3 R Warmlands
9.2 L Foothill
9.3 R Foothill
9.5 L Catalina
10.1 R Ipanema
10.3 L San Clemente
10.5 R Vista Mtn
10.7 L Longmont
10.9 = fire road
11.0 R Deeb
11.3 = Ora Avo
11.8 L Buena Creek
12.1 L Hollyberry
12.2 L Valley Crest
12.6 R Valley Crest
12.7 L Hardell
13.2 R El Paso Alto
13.6 L El Paso Alto dirt
14.0 L El Paso Alto
14.0 R El Paso Alto
14.3 R Twin Oaks Valley
16.5 R Twin Oaks Valley
16.5 L Walnut Grove Park
16.9 R Sycamore
17.0 L Olive
17.5 R Mulberry
18.0 L Richland
18.2 R Richland
19.4 R Borden
19.5 L Richland
20.0 L Rock Springs
20.3 R Woodland
21.1 R Barham
21.9 L La Moree
22.0 R Campus View
22.7 R Craven
22.9 L Twin Oaks Valley
23.6 L Village
23.6 R Bella Vita (gate)
24.6 L Attebury
25.0 R Attebury
25.4 U lookout
26.0 L Washingtonia
26.8 L Coronado Hills
27.4 R La Moree
28.4 R Barham
28.9 R Meyers
29.2 R Corporate
29.5 L Progress
29.5 R Country Club
31.6 R Harmony Grove
34.8 = Elfin Forest
37.5 L Albertsons -
Break grocery
37.7 R San Elijo
40.0 = Twin Oaks Valley
42.4 R San Marcos
42.7 = Woodward
42.9 R Vineyard
43.3 R Borden
45.3 L Country Club
45.4 R Country Club
47.4 L Broadway
47.9 L Jesmond Dene
50.5 R Centre City
51.0 = Champagne
56.2 L Camino Del Rey
60.8 R Camino Del Rey
61.1 R CA-76
61.6 L Mission
61.8 R return to start