855 SLR trail, Foothill, Calavaras 36 mi, 1640 ft el, 46 ft/mi
0.0 Exit West side of train, Tyson St
0.1 R Pacific
1.0 R San Luis Rey River Trail (RR underpass)
1.1 L San Luis Rey River Trail
8.0 L San Luis Rey River Trail
(8.1 R bathroom in park option)
8.7 L Andrew Jackson
8.8 R Tyler
8.9 L bike trail
9.7 = Santa Fe
11.8 L Osborne
12.5 R Hutchison
12.7 L Barsby
13.1 L Barsby
13.7 R E Vista
13.7 L Warmlands
14.2 R Warmlands
16.1 L Foothill
16.2 R Foothill
17.8 R Monte Vista
18.4 L York
19.5 R Montgomery
20.3 R Santa Fe
20.7 L Mar Vista
20.7 R Phillips
22.2 R Lado De Loma
23.3 L Vista Village
23.6 L Hacienda
23.7 R Matagual (thru barricade)
24.2 = Breeze Hill
24.6 L La Tortuga
24.7 L Marsopa
25.0 R Melrose
25.4 R Sunset
25.8 L Emerald
26.2 R Lake
27.0 L Mira Monte
27.3 L Foothill
27.3 R Knollwood
27.5 L Tamarack
28.1 L College
28.3 R Carlsbad Village
29.9 L Appian
30.0 L Trieste
30.3 R Chestnut
32.1 R bike path by RR
32.4 R Oak
32.4 L State
33.1 R Coast Hwy 101
33.5 L Eaton
33.6 R Broadway
34.0 L Cassidy
34.1 R Pacific
35.8 R Mission
35.9 R Cleveland
36.1 L Topeka
36.2 R Tremont
36.2 R return to start