851 Sleeping Indian 36 mi, 1290 ft el, 36 ft/mi

0.0 Exit West side of train, Tyson St
0.1 R Pacific
1.0 R San Luis Rey River Trail (RR underpass)
1.1 L San Luis Rey River Trail
8.0 R bathrroom in park
8.1 R exit SLR trail after College underpass
8.1 R College (headed NW)
8.3 R N River/Vandegrift
8.6 R N River
10.7 L Sleeping Indian
12.5 R Morro Heights
(optional lower traffic climb, same el gain!)
13.1 R Sleeping Indian
14.4 R Morro Hills
15.8 R Olive Hill
18.0 = Camino Del Rey
(optional refuel McDonalds/ARCO)
18.2 R Old River
20.9 = E Vista
21.5 R Hutchison
23.0 R Osborne
23.6 R Santa Fe
25.6 = SLR bike trail
26.6 R Tyler
26.6 L Andrew Jackson
26.7 R SLR Trail
34.3 R exit trail RR underpass
34.4 L Pacific
35.1 L Mission
35.2 R Seagaze
35.3 R Cleveland
35.4 L Topeka
35.5 R Tremont
35.5 R return to start

Sleeping Indian is a challenging climb, worth seeking out.