769 - Valley Center out Jesmond Dene and E Valley, back W Lilac and Buena Vista. 48 miles, 3470 ft el, 72 ft/mi
0.0 R Via Vera Cruz
0.4 L Discovery
0.7 R Craven
1.6 L Rush
2.0 L = Barham
3.6 L Woodland
5.1 R El Norte
5.3 L Country Club
5.5 L Golden Cir
6.3 L David
6.4 R Sleepy Hollow
6.7 R Rockhoff
(through barricade)
7.2 L Nutmeg
7.5 L Centre City
8.2 L Mesa Rock
10.1 R Deer Springs
10.4 R Centre City
11.0 L Jesmond Dene
13.5 R Broadway
15.5 L El Norte
19.0 L E Valley
24.4 L Lilac
27.8 R Lilac
29.3 L W Lilac
31.1 L Circle R
34.2 L Old Hwy 395
38.6 R Deer Springs
41.2 R Buena Creek
45.2 L Santa Fe
47.1 R Pacific
47.3 L Descanso
47.6 R Las Posas
47.8 L Grand
47.8 R Via Vera Cruz
48.4 R OCRR