410 Bonsall via Foothill, Back Twin Oaks. 32 miles, 1828 ft el, 57 ft/mi
This is the quickest way to go clockwise to Bonsall using Foothill & Champagne
0.0 L Via Vera Cruz
0.5 L Grand
0.6 R Las Posas
1.0 L Mission (LEFT!)
1.5 = Santa Fe
3.3 R Buena Creek
4.3 L Monte Vista
4.9 R Foothill
6.6 L Foothill/Edgehill
6.7 R Warmlands
8.6 L Warmlands
9.0 R E Vista -
STOP at market
10.9 = Old River
(cross hwy 76)
13.6 L Camino del Rey
14.0 R Bonsall gas -
STOP at gas station
14.0 U Camno del Rey
14.2 L Camino del Rey
18.8 R Old Hwy 395
24.0 R Deer Springs -
Regroup before turn
26.5 = Twin Oaks
29.4 R Richmar
29.9 L Liberty
30.0 R Mission
31.0 L Las Posas
31.4 L Grand
31.5 R Via Vera Cruz
32.0 R OCRR