Route 26o - Camp Pendelton via Faraday, back Palomar Airport. up to 52 miles, depending on where you want to turn around.
Camp Pendelton
Start OCRR
0.0 R San Marcos
2.4 = Palomar Airport
4.6 R El Camino Real
5.3 L Faraday
8.0 L Cannon
9.8 R Coast Hwy 101
13.8 R Alan's Bike -
Stop at Bike Shop
13.9 L Oceanside
14.2 R Pacific
16.1 R Harbor S
16.4 R Harbor
16.5 R Harbor
16.7 = Vandegrift
17.0 Marine entry -
!Driver's License!
18.5 L Stuart Mesa
25.6 L Las Pulgas
26.1 U before gate
26.6 R Stuart Mesa
33.7 R Vandegrift
25.4 = Harbor
35.7 L Harbor
35.8 L Harbor S
35.9 R Harbor RR -
STOP restroom
36.1 L Pacific
38.7 L Cassidy
38.8 R Broadway
39.2 L Eaton
39.3 R Coast Hwy 101
43.0 L Palomar Airport
49.3 = San Marcos
50.9 R Discovery
51.2 L Discovery
51.9 L Via Vera Cruz
52.4 L OCRR