152 Lake Wohlford, Valley Center, Circle R, Champagne. 48 miles, 3300 ft el, 69 ft/mi

0.0 L Via Vera Cruz
0.6 L Grand
0.6 R Las Posas
1.0 R Mission
2.7 L Vineyard
4.0 R Mulberry
4.4 L Borden
5.6 = El Norte
6.0 L Country Club
6.1 R Country Club
8.3 R Ash
9.8 L El Norte
12.7 L Valley
13.5 R Lake Wohlford
19.6 L Woods Valley
23.5 R Valley Center
23.8 R Regroup Market
24.4 L Lilac
29.3 L West Lilac
31.1 L Circle R
34.3 L Champagne .
38.9 = Centre City
41.1 R Nutmeg
41.9 R Country Club
42.9 L Country Club
43.1 R El Norte
43.3 L Woodland
44.7 R Mission
47.7 L Las Posas
48.1 L Grand
48.3 R Via Vera Cruz
48.8 R OCRR

Oldie but goodie. Most of the loop is in the back country of N County.
Climb of Lake Wohlford is dangerous. Narrow, busy, uphill, jerks in pickups, blind curves.
The road along Lake Wohlford and through Woods Valley are the big payoff. Pleasant and scenic.
Lilac can also be busy and high speed traffic.