141 Del Mar Heights via La Costa, back RSF. 45 miles, 2657 ft el, 59 ft/mi
0.0 R San Marcos
1.1 L RanchoSantaFe
5.5 R La Costa
10.3 L Coast Hwy 101
13.8 R Swami's beach
STOP Swami's Regroup
13.9 R Coast Hwy 101
18.7 R Coast
19.4 = Ocean
19.5 L 13th St
19.5 R Pacific
19.6 R 12th St
19.6 L Stratford Ct
19.9 through townhomes
20.6 R Coast Hwy 101
20.8 L Carmel Valley
22.6 L El Camino Real
25.7 R San Dieguito
28.9 L El Apajo
29.5 Regroup Market
29.3 L El Apajo
29.5 R Via de Santa Fe
30.5 R Via de la Valle
31.2 R Paseo Delicias
31.9 L El Montevideo
32.3 R Lago Lindo
33.1 L El Camino del Norte
35.9 R RanchoSantaFe
37.5 R RanchoSantaFe
43.2 R San Marcos
44.4 L OCRR
Big loop to Del Mar which is fairly flat and straightforward. Uses arterials, which is kind of boring.