79 - Hwy 56 bike path, 48 miles, 2820 ft el, 59 ft/mi

0.0 S El Camino Real
4.6 L Olivenhain
5.6 R Rancho Santa Fe
8.1 L Rancho Santa Fe
8.5 R La Bajada
8.8 R La Noria
9.6 = El Camino
10.3 R El Camino
13.0 R Via de la Valle
13.1 L El Camino Real
13.7 L San Dieguito *
19.5 R Camino del Sur
23.2 R Hwy 56 bikeway *
28.6 R El Camino
28.7 L Carmel Valley
30.6 R Coast Hwy 101
44.0 R Palomar Airport
47.8 return to start

16.3 R Mobile Gas - Rest
23.2 runs next to Hwy 56 on South side