Route 46 - La Costa to Tamarack - 22 miles
0.0 N Melrose
1.3 L Palomar Airport
3.0 R El Camino
6.1 L Kelly
6.5 R Park
7.6 L Adams
8.4 L Cinquapin
8.7 R Jefferson
8.8 L Tamarack
9.3 L Coast Hwy 101
14.4 L La Costa
17.0 L El Camino Real
18.1 R Alga
18.7 R Alicante *
19.5 = El Fuerte
21.0 R Alga
21.5 return to start
Note: mile 18.7 - Straight on Alga is the easy way up. Challenge yourself with the toughest climb in Carlsbad!