Oceanside NE to Oceanside Harbor
0.0 S College
0.1 R San Luis Rey bikepath
7.3 = Neptune *
7.4 R Cleveland
7.6 R Surfrider
7.7 R Pacific
8.2 R Harbor S
8.5 L Harbor N
9.6 U Harbor N
10.7 R Harbor S
10.9 L Pacific
11.2 R Breakwater
11.3 L The Strand *
12.5 L Wisconsin
12.6 L Pacific
13.5 R Surfrider
13.6 L Cleveland
13.8 L Park
13.9 = bike path
21.1 R College *
21.3 return to start
* Notes:
7.3 bikepath dumps onto the sidewalk on Neptune. The first cross street is Cleveland (R)
11.2 This is not allowed, as you are entering a one-way street going the wrong way. Become a pedestrian biker. Stay in the bike lane, toodle at a pedestrian speed, and yield to oncoming.
11.8 This is not allowed, as you pass under the Oceanside Pier past Do Not Enter signs. Toodle on.
21.1 Stay on the bikepath to go under College Blvd to the northbound College exit.