14 Carlsbad to W Lilac. 63 mi, 4915ft el, 78 ft/mi
0.0 R Palomar Airport
6.1 = San Marcos
7.9 R Discovery
8.2 L Discovery
9.3 R Craven
10.6 L CSUSM Campus View
11.3 L La Moree
11.4 R Barham
12.2 L Woodland
14.0 R El Norte
14.3 L Country Club
16.4 L Broadway
16.9 L Jesmond Dene
19.4 R Champagne
24.1 R Old Castle
29.6 L Lilac
21.1 L W Lilac
32.9 R W Lilac
36.9 L Old 395 *
44.8 R Deer Springs
47.4 R Buena Creek
51.4 L Santa Fe
52.2 R Smilax
52.8 R Olender
52.9 L Poinsettia
55.7 R Melrose
56.2 L Faraday
60.6 L Cannon
62.4 L Coast Hwy 101
62.9 return to start
* Descent down Old 395 from Lilac is a dangerous washboard, especially after crossing the bridge with its own bumps on and off. Keep your speed under 25.