11 - Torrey Pines to RSF. 32 miles, 2170 ft el, 68 ft/mi

0.0 E Carmel Valley
1.8 L El Camino Real
5.3 R San Dieguito
8.6 L El Apajo
9.2 R Via de Santa Fe
10.2 R Via de la Valle
10.8 R Las Colinas
12.4 = El Vuelo
13.5 R La Valle Plateada
13.7 R Del Dios
14.2 L El Camino del Norte
17.8 L Rancho Santa Fe
18.7 L Rancho Santa Fe
18.8 R Restrooms in shops
19.1 R La Bajada
19.4 R La Noria
20.1 = El Camino Real
20.9 L La Orilla
21.6 R Rambla de Flores
22.6 R Linea del Cielo
23.2 L Las Planideras
24.8 R Via de la Valle
25.7 L El Camino Real
28.2 R Del Mar Heights
29.5 R Crest
30.3 L Via Alta
30.5 L 15th
30.7 L Camino del Mar
32.1 finish Carmel Valley

You can't go wrong riding in Rancho Santa Fe, but you sure can get turned around! The roads are beautiful, challenging rollers with low traffic and withing easy reach of the Coast. Pay close attention to your route slip and computer to stay on track.